WRSS Newcomers plan Secret Santa for Sources

How do you give back to your community? On Tuesday, December 1 — this year’s Giving Tuesday — the White Rock and South Surrey Newcomers Club organized a “Secret Santa for Sources” at their Christmas Party, collecting anonymous donations from club members for Sources’ South Surrey/White Rock Food Bank.


The WRSS Newcomers began this special fundraiser two years ago, when they decided to put a spin on the classic “Secret Santa Gift Exchange” tradition many social groups partake in by turning it into a “Secret Santa for Sources Food Bank.”

In their 2013 and 2014 fundraisers, club members donated close to $1,100 each year!

Understanding that each person has a different capacity to give, this is respected and donations are confidential, collected in sealed envelopes which are delivered to Sources staff who confirm the total group contributions.

“It was a heartwarming endeavor which built our sense of community within Newcomers and with our White Rock – South Surrey neighbours,” said the club’s past president Fran Blackwood.

This year, the WRSS Newcomers raised $2,156 for Sources!

And because food banks have a special relationship with local food distributors, we are able to triple the purchasing power of cash donations. This means that the WRSS Newcomers’ generosity will result in an impact of $6,468 for Sources Food Bank this year — and over $12,000 through three years of giving!

Thank you so much for caring about our community and supporting neighbours in need!

The WRSS Newcomers Club’s mission is to welcome women to the White Rock and South Surrey area, acquaint them with their new city, and promote friendship among members. Visit their website at: http://wrssnewcomers.com/