Community Support
Volunteerism is fundamental to social wellness and the spirit of helping is important to both community and personal development
- In 2014 there were over 8,500 visits to access services such as trauma counselling and free hot lunch and clothing at Sources
- 96% of respondents from our Hot Lunch Program feel that they belong to a community and 98% have made new friends through the program
- 49% of respondents say that the biggest benefit of the hot lunch program is “a feeling of home” and “being able to connect with other women”
- Volunteer Wheels client feedback indicates that the social interaction with the volunteer driver is an important aspect of the ride.
- Assisted 216 low income individuals access free dental care (430 appointments). In some cases, this helped to prevent serious dental and related health issues.
- 202 clients were assisted with transportation to health care appointments (a 23% increase from last year). Some of these clients has no other means of getting to these appointments
- Filled 1,994 grocery orders providing access to groceries for 140 clients, 96.6% of whom reported that they would not have been able to grocery shop for themselves
- 57% of clients rely on this service on a weekly basis.
- 16,213 food hampers from Sources South Surrey/White Rock Food bank were distributed to 1,764 clients
Social Isolation
- Seniors who live alone and have limited social connections may be at risk of social isolation and need a venue to connect with others
- Individuals who are socially isolated are vulnerable to decreased emotional and physical well-being
Access to Dental / Medical Care
- Regular dental care is unaffordable for most low income individuals. Many are not receiving treatment for critical dental issues which can compound and create more serious dental and health related issues in the future
- Current funding of the Dental Clinic program cannot keep up with the growing demand for services
- There are a sector of the community who for various reasons have difficulty accessing transportation to health care appointments
When I retired I wanted to connect to my community and to make a positive difference in the lives of members of that community. So I volunteered in the Hot Lunch programme at Sources Women’s Place. I know that I am part of a programme that helps many in my community. For me volunteering is also meaningful and interesting and every day at the Centre is fun and enjoyable. I have become part of a caring community of volunteers, staff and clients.
Making a difference, having fun, learning new skills, and making new friends – what could be more satisfying?
Mary W. Surrey
“Thankfully, there are resources available to us to help in our regeneration into self-respecting individuals. We all know what it feels like to ask for shelter, stand in line for a meal and have the ability for hygiene. There is nothing finer than a hot shower and clean clothes. Our personal dignity begins to reform.”
Did you know that $100 can purchase warm meals for a day or roughly 40 women? At the Rotary Club of White Rock Peninsula’s fundraiser dinner, a total of $2,500 was fundraised for Sources’ Hot Lunch Program at Women’s Place. That will enable us to provide 1,000 nutritious, delicious and free meals to women in our community. Thank you!
“Delicious meals, friendly volunteers, and a happy and positive environment. Special thank you to the wonderful volunteers and staff who make Women’s Place such a wonderful home to come and visit or say hello. You are all awesome!”
“All the volunteers need to be commended for their hard work, dedication, and kindness to every person who visits The Centre. All the meals are tasty, nutritious, and with different flavors and variety. Thank you to this “awesome group”. I appreciate it very much.”
Below is a list of our programs geared to supporting and creating healthy communities:
- Volunteer Services, including:
- Dental Clinic
- Shop by Phone
- Volunteer Driver
- Income Tax Preparation
- Counselling
- Hot lunch program