Make A Donation
Thank you for your support. Every donation to the Sources Foundation makes a difference for our community!
We are proud of our ability to keep our administration costs in the lowest percentage range that represents the highest ranked category by Canada’s top charity rating agencies for cost effectiveness. This means that more of your money goes towards supporting what you care about: social wellness for our community.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the Canada Post strike, you may experience a delay in receiving your donation receipt in the mail. If you wish to receive your receipt sooner, please email your request to
Donate Online
We accept online donations through CanadaHelps, a safe and secure payment processing and instant tax receipting platform.
To make your donation online, please use our form below or click the blue button.
- Enter the amount you wish to donate, then select one of the Funds from the drop-down menu.
- If you have specific wishes for your donation, please indicate them in the comment box.
- Click ‘Next’ to enter your information.
Donate Securities
The Sources Foundation accepts donations of securities, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds, through CanadaHelps.
Gifts of securities can have a big impact. We recommend talking with your investment adviser to understand the personal tax saving opportunities available and how to maximize the financial impact to our charity.
Other Ways to Donate
Visit our Ways to Give page for information about Corporate Giving, Legacy Giving, Hosting a Fundraiser, Sponsoring an Event and more.
Donate By Phone
Speak to our friendly team at 778 653 8086
Donate By Mail
882 Maple St.
White Rock, B.C. V4B 4M2
Donate In Person
To reduce the risk of COVID-19, please make your donation by other methods at this time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Stay safe and well.