At DMCL, we continue to hold the Sources organization in high regard for their effective promotion of social wellness.
We are consistently amazed by the commitment of the Sources staff and volunteers in providing this abundance of resources and services to our community and surrounding communities. The diverse program and service offerings assists and supports the most vulnerable members our community, typically in a time of great need. This is why our firm is excited to support this very worthwhile cause and help to build a caring and compassionate community.
The Sources Gala offers an incredible opportunity to promote the tremendous work of the organization and to engage many local individuals and businesses with the important work of the organization. The Gala—with its creative and exciting themes and commitment to be one of the most entertaining social events on the Peninsula—is a night that we look forward to participating in each year. It’s always enjoyable taking the opportunity to put tax season aside for one evening and unleash our inner child (Mike Braun and Mike Stuart, we’re looking at you) for a cause that we are proud to stand beside.
Continuing our support as a Gold Sponsor for the past several years has been an honor that we are only too happy to continue.
DMCL is one of the largest independent professional advisory firms in Canada, offering a full range of services. We pride ourselves in developing trusted relationships with our clients and we understand the importance of responding to client queries in a timely and thorough manner. With our hands on approach, we work with our clients to build custom solutions tailored to their individual goals. Our partners and staff live and work in the same communities as our clients do. We take pride in our continuous effort to support our community, both financially and through the time and energy of our dedicated partners and staff. Throughout our three offices located in Surrey, the Tri-Cities area, and Vancouver, we ensure our commitment and connection extends beyond our offices and well into the communities we serve. At the Surrey office, our continued relationship with Sources and the Gala assists us towards our goal of supporting a healthy, inclusive and vibrant community.
This post was submitted by DMCL Chartered Professional Accountants. Thank you for continuing to support the work of SOURCES and our 2018 “Like A Rock” Gala!