After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a day where charities, companies and individuals rally for favourite causes, think about others and give back. Sources Community Resource Centres is launching a video campaign to raise funds for our Volunteer Wheels program.
The Sources Volunteer Wheels program provides accessible, affordable and reliable transportation for people living in White Rock/South Surrey to essential medical appointments anywhere in the Lower Mainland. Learn more about our campaign
Our Clients
Since 2009, Volunteer Wheels has provided over 2,900 rides for seniors who have no other means of attending to their healthcare needs. Many clients are unable to drive due to physical or financial limitations. Oftentimes, their medical appointments are geographically far from where they live, making public transportation unviable. Many seniors are living alone and family live far away. Our program is here to step in and help improve seniors’ access to health care. When seniors use the program, they are able to live more independently and in better health.
Meet Jim: Jim has been using the Volunteer Wheels program since January 2016. Jim is a charming person to drive who provides excellent conversation to the drivers while cruising around White Rock and South Surrey to various medical appointments.
Our Drivers
Since 2009, Volunteer Wheels Drivers have contributed over 5,400 hours of their time driving clients all over the Lower Mainland. Drivers are often an emotional support for clients who are socially isolated, or may be going through a time of uncertainty and fear of their medical condition. Volunteers often stay with their client if requested and provide companionship before and after the medical visit. After a visit, volunteers ensure the client returns to the car safely and is returned home straight to their front door.
Meet Fred: Fred has been a Volunteer Wheels driver since January 2014. Fred is so compassionate, cheerful and strives to make sure each person he drives has a great and comfortable experience. Clients always remark on how they know they are in safe hands with him behind the wheel.
By donating on Giving Tuesday to our Volunteer Wheels program, you are giving seniors in our community a chance at living longer, more independently and with greater access to essential medical care.
Join the movement dedicated to giving back!
Help us raise more funds for this important program by sharing our campaign with your friends, family, coworkers and colleagues!
Thank you for helping us build social wellness for our community!