Envision Financial makes a difference

Thirty Envision Financial employees spent a September afternoon helping out at three Sources’ locations as part of their annual Make a Difference Days campaign.

On September 27, 2016, these 30 volunteers painted, gardened, and completed other hands-on work at Sources Women’s Place, Sources South Surrey/White Rock Food Bank and Family Connections Centre.

“The Envision team did a great job. They worked very hard at all three locations, and not only supplied the labour but also provided supplies and a brand new basketball hoop for the Family Connections Centre,” said Denise Darrell, Sources director of community services.

Thank you, Envision Financial, for truly making a difference for our community resource centres! Your caring efforts will extend to benefit the people who visit us for help throughout the year.

Make a Difference Days is Envision Financial’s community service program, designed to encourage and support employee involvement with a social issue or non-profit organization in our community. Since 2007, staff have contributed over 4,900 hours to 119 different projects in communities where Envision Financial operates.